PRE-PRODUCTION • Title Sequence | Development

After our tutorial where we viewed the title sequence so far, I went away feeling like there were lots of changes I could make to imporve the title sequence. Some specific things I took away from the tutorial were to add in the names of the main actors and to make sure the ending matches with the theme of the show in that they never quite succeed in their goal to become famous. 

As a group we decided on the ending of the titles and chose an idea that we best best conveyed to our audience who Annie and Dean are and their dreams as well as their reality. After we see Annie and Dean on the red carpet, the background will then fall down to reveal their living room behind them, in order to show they are almost living in a dream world and the red carpet scene what what they wanted but in reality, they are just parading around their living room, and by the red carpet set falling down, it revelas to us as the audience that in reality they are a regular couple who aspire to be famous.

Some other feedback that I recieved from the group was that the charcaters were very still as there was no movement from them which I agreed with. I have since added in the characters blinking and I have also added Annie waving to the cameras as this fits in with the scene and her characteristics. This adds more movement but also makes the scene more interesting as it adds another elemwnt to the characters. 

As a group we dicuseed how we were going to fit the title of the show into the scene and our final idea and the one we agreed on was the the titles would appear at the end of the title sequence so that they are the last thing people see beofre the episode starts aking it more memorable. I also sugested that I could take one of the letter 'O' in either of the two words and try to make in so that we could green screen out the tile middle and zoom in tghrough the O to end up with the opening shot. 

Before we agreed to this, I did a test to make sure that it was possible and see if we felt this would work for us. The test that I did is below. 

Although the titles I used were not of the quality I would for the actual openig sequnece, the basic idea did work and therefore I will go ahead and edit together this style title for the final sequence. 

Overall, I'm pleased with my progress so far and that having my tutorial and regalr feedback from Becca and Laura has been really helpful in my progress. 


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