PRE-PRODUCTION • Filming Resolution Test | Development

In order to decide which filming resolution I wanted to use, I did a test shoot of the two different options that I felt would work best for us. The first was Full HD and the second was Ultra HD. 

Full HD

Full HD is physically smaller than UHD in the amount of pixles that fill the screen. At 1920x1080, HD is a very high quality of filming and is used to film many televison programmes. 

This is a high quality of filming and is a good option for filming Young & Famous as it look nice, is easy to edit and will  create a good overall product.

Ultra HD

Ultra HD gives more pixles in a frame there for allows more room for edits to be made in post-production without the loss of quiality. When the two shots are put side by side and zoomed in by 400%, there is alsight difference in the quialty in that the UHD is of a better quality than the FHD which is more pixely. 

One of the stuggles I had with filming in UHD was that when it came to editing, the editign software struggled to cope with the size of the footage which meant that I couldn't watch a clear playback of the footage whihc made trying to edit the footage really difficult. 

Although when close up, there is a slight difference in the quality, when watched at the full screen size, it is very difficult to tell the difference thefore by using FHD, we don't lose out too much as the overall look is very similar. This also makes the edit easier and ensures that we can get clear and precise cuts in the places we want them as I had no trouble watching back the FHD footage. 


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