Alone - Short Film Review
Alone. Alone is what this man is. Years after the world ended and the
human race perished; this is the only man left standing. How did he
survive? What caused the outbreak? We don't know. No one does. This
short film gives you an inside look on what the only man left alive does
on a day-to-day basis, what he does to survive, kill time, and keep
himself sane.
Alone, directed by Brock Torunski is a 6 minute short film about a man who is the only one left on the planet. I found that this short film uses lots of exposition which is not really needed as an audience can tell by the conventions used such as a deserted location and a slight blue tint which gives the film a cold atmosphere some of what is going on in the film.
The film is a long a descriptive monologue which leaves nothing for the audience to imagine. I think that this closes the film of to a wide audience because not everyone will be able to relate to is, if there is some room for the audience to put in their own experiences and opinions, they are more likely to find things in the film they recognise and identify with.

Overall, I enjoyed this short film and have taken some ideas away from it to think about in my project. For example, I want to make sure that when filming I use genre conventions so that I don't have to get my characters to say it in their dialogue. I also want to make use of lighting and sound as much as possible in order to create an effective atmosphere. In terms of dialogue, I want to avoid giving my characters long pieces of dialogue and getting them to explain everything that is happening, I want to leave some things open for my audience to interpret it how they wish.
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