25 Word Pitch (Developed)


Two detectives are launched into a major investigation that tests their relationship and reveals unwanted truths they've been hiding. Could this be the end of their career?


The two main characters are sitting in a car (or walking down the street towards the crime scene). They pend a minute talking - establishing their characters. Out of work the characters are good friends with each other and regularly do things together. Both characters are nervous as this case is one of the biggest they've ever worked on and possibly the one that will expose them. When they arrive at the crime scene, Annie starts asking questions and talking to other characters at the scene while Steph stands back, watching too scared to say anything. They discuss the crime and talk to different people about the different bits of evidence, e.g. murder weapon, victim, killer profile.

Steph still reserved and not giving much input starts to look uneasy and people begin to notice. Annie takes her aside and tells her that they need to act normal like nothing has changed to keep up their facade. A character from the crime scene comes to them and lets them know that the forensics team have found some DNA on the body, not belonging to the victim and that the results will be through soon. Annie and Steph turn to look at each other with wide eyes, knowing that the other is thinking the same as them - could this be the end of their career?


Crime drama - the story is based around a crime which ends up being the cause of the drama, it also focuses on the relationship between the two characters and how they deal with their situation. 


Feminism - female leads is powerful positions. I want my theme to focus on the fact that my two main characters and woman and are successful in their 'jobs'. 


Annie Richards - 
  • Confident
  • Supportive
  • Aggressive
  • Professional
  • Ambitious
Steph Butler - 
  • Dependable
  • Guilty
  • Quiet
  • Loyal
  • Anxious

Annie and Stephs goal is to get away with their latest crime, however when thy are given the case to solve, they find it difficult to cope have to try and steer everyone away from their suspicions.  


The characters have to make the decision of staying and facing the consequences of their actions or whether they should leave and start over somewhere new. Both characters have different ideas about what they should do and have to choose between doing what they think is right and staying together. 

The main location is going to be at a crime scene, using props and sounds effect when filming to make it look authentic. 



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