The Meeting - Pitch

Shane Clifford is a talented and successful detective. When new partner Annie is introduced and they're given a major investigation, he is faced with many challenges. *26 words*


DCI Shane Clifford:
  • Lives in the city 
  • Age: 27
  • Good at his job
  • independant
DC Annie Richards
  • Age: 25
  • sheltered
  • innocent
  • excited about starting her new job

The script is going to start after them meeting for the first time. They are on their way to their first crime together, Shane is unhappy about having a partner and is very hostile towards Annie. She is nervous as she's never worked on a case as big as this and wants to make a good impression. They have limited conversations as Shane doesn't want to engage in any. When they arrive at the crime scene, Shane takes control of the situation, leaving Annie to just follow behind him. As they're walking around looking at the evidence found, Annie notices something that the forensics team missed which turns out to be a crucial  piece of information in the case, leading them to the killer. The main location is going to be at a crime scene, using props and sounds effect when filming to make it look authentic. The genre is drama, based on the fact that the story is based on their relationship and how they develop as characters. 


Annie's main goal is start her new job and succeed. She wants her and her new partner to get along and work well together, she wants to impress her new boss and set herself up with a good reputation with her colleagues.  She wants to find true friendships with different people, she has lived a sheltered life and wants to experience new things and find a long term relationship. Shane wants to prove to his boss that he doesn't need a new partner. He is ashamed and embarrassed that his boss thinks he needs help and wants to change his mind. He wants his life to carry on as normal and doesn't want anything to change. Shane decides that if he can solve the crime without any help from Annie, his boss might see that he is capable of doing his job on his own. 


The first change will be when the characters first meet, both their lives will change because of the other. Annie and Shane are very different characters and react differently in there meeting. Annie goes in wanting to make a lasting impression and tries her hardest to get Shane to like her. Shane instantly dismisses her and refuses to acknowledge that fact that she has worked just as hard and he has to get where she is now. They are faced with many obstacles and challenges which they must overcome together as a team. This changes along the way as they get to know each other more and Shane realises that they are very similar.  


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