Camera Workshop 2

In our second camera workshop, we were given the task of creating a sequence of shots that fit together showing someone walking towards and sitting down on a chair.  We looked at how to make make sure that our subject was completely in focus - for this we zoomed in as far as the camera will go on the subject and then set the focus, we also learnt about using the expanded focus setting on the camera which zooms in further to get an even sharper focus. When focusing, we used the 'Peaking' button on the camera which allows you to see exactly where the camera is focused by flashing red on the sections. We practiced changing the exposure and white balance to make sure that the colours on the camera were the same as in real life, experimenting with changing the colour temperature depending on the lighting situation on location.  
We also learnt about the 'Zebra' setting on the camera. This shows the camera operator where the lighting is too strong on the subject, the operator can then change the lighting/exposure to make sure that the skin tone of the person is its natural colour.
