PRE-PRODUCTION • Sitcom Genre Filming Styles | Research

Sitcoms can vary in filming style and have developed over time to meet the demands of their audience. Two of the different ways sitcoms are filmed are witha single-camera setup and a multi-camera set up. Both have their own pros and cons which is something that I aim to look into in oder to decide which style of filming would be best for Young & Famous. 
Image result for single camera sitcom shoot


Single camera sitcoms have grown in popularity of the last decade, contemporary examples being the American shows Modern Family and Silicon Valley. The idea of using one single camera is that these sitcoms are filmed much more like films but without the live audience of a traditional sitcom. This can not only make the episode themselves appear like shot films but it can also change the humour of the show and make them feel more like a comedy feature film instead. 

Multi-Camera setups represent a more traditional style of sitcoms which include shows such as Friends, Mrs Brown's Boys and The Big Bang Theory. They are also traditionally filmed in front of a live studio audience and can be compared to live theatre as the audience adds an element that films don't have. 

Multi-Camera shows are consiered to be less realistic than Single Camera shows, this is due to the fact that they are more theatrical due to them playing in front of a big audience. The live audience prompts the audience watching on tv with a response to a joke and indicates how they should react to certain situations. 

For Young & Famous, I decided that filming with a multi-cam setup would not only help to incorporate the more traditional style of sitcoms but I also felt that it would personally challenge me and my camera skills, advancing my knowledge and expanding my skills in this area. 

Our location will be important as space will be something that needs to be considered as having multiple cameras does mean that more floor space is required. Cameras assistants is another important factor and I should choose people who I feel have a good background knowledge of cameras, who enjoy working with cameras and have the skill required for our shoot. 


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