PRE-PRODUCTION • 2nd Episode Synopsis | Development

As we decided that Young & Famous would be a 6-part series, we chose to write treatments for the other 5 episodes of the show. We initially decided on the storylines for the other episodes and the split up the task of writing them. I wrote the synopsis for episode 2, which we decided would have main character Annie trying to break a Guinness World Record in order to impress her family and Dean trying to find Betty's missing cat Arnold which results in an award that he's not expecting. 

Young & Famous - Episode 2 Synopsis 

Despite Annie and Dean’s failed first attempt to become young and famous, they don’t give up hope. After seeing reality TV star Kacey Kingsley wearing a designer knitted scarf, Annie decides to knit the world’s longest scarf and get into the Guinness World Records, adamant that this is the best way to gain her attention of her children and grandchildren. Meanwhile, Dean’s relaxing morning is interrupted when Betty comes barging in to announce that her robotic cat Arnold is missing. She begs Dean to help her find him and mentions the Farling Bay Gazette offering a special reward upon his safe return. The wheels in Dean’s head start turning and he takes missing Arnold as an opportunity to become the ‘Hero of Farling Bay’. Whilst Dean is out searching, Annie invites neighbours Jackie and her son Jacob round to help her with her knitting challenge. The tension between the two women is noticeable yet Annie seems oblivious to Jackie’s jealous glares, as Annie and Jacob sit together, chatting and laughing like best friends. Dean’s quest to find Arnold so far has left him defeated as no one in the village has responded to his posters asking for them to join his search party. Dean sees his son and local pub owner Brian from across the street and has another bright idea. With some convincing Brian agrees to help Dean in his search for Arnold, rounding up the locals to form the Arnold Search Party (the A.S.P). Dean strives to find him as quickly as he can so he makes it into tomorrow’s paper, however the reward is less than he bargained for. Annie’s luck is also running out as adjudicators from Guinness World Records arrive to view her finished scarf, but she realises she’s made a big mistake. 


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PRE-PRODUCTION • Director of Photography | Research