PRE-PRODUCTION • Camera Positions & Blocking

In order for the Director and I to work out where things are going to be positioned, we decided to draw out the layout of some of the locations and block where the characters would be moving to and the best places for the cameras to go. With some of the locations we found this quite tricky in that we had to make sure there was enough room for the characters to move around the location freely whilst also being able to put the cameras and lighting in. In these diagrams we also included some key pieces of furniture so that we could see roughly how much room we would have. 

Becca as the director described to be where she wanted the characters to move and the kinds of actions they would be doing, and then from drawing those I worked out roughly where the cameras would be best positioned. For my camera positions, I added in the different types of shots we would want from each scene and which camera I am planning on using for each shot. This helped with the positioning of them, how many would be needed and which ones would be best to use. These camera positions and character blockings are relevant for Draft 5 of the script. 


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