PRE-PRODUCTION • Director of Photography Statement | Research and Development

I found that researching into a Director of Photography statement wasn't successful and I didn't find anything that gave me an idea of the type of things I should include. Due to this, I then decided my next best option would be to look at some of the previous pre-production books and make a list of the different things that have been concluded in the past. I made sure to look through a variety of different ones to get as much information as possible on what I should include. From this list, I then chose the topics that suited our production and were things that I felt were important to my role.


In this section, I want to talk about the history of multi-camera filming and what it actually means for a production. I want to include some explains of sitcoms that film with a multi-camera setup to give an idea of the final product and how they look compared to single-camera sitcoms. 

I will explain why I have chosen to film with this style and how it will not only benefit the production but extend my camera skills. Intense planning will be key to be making this shoot a success as all the cameras must be matched to make for a seamless edit. 

I also want to discuss the benefits of filming with a multi-cam setup and also some of the challenges we might face. I also want to include short explanations of the 180 degrees and 30-degree rules and how it's important that these aren't forgotten and should still be applied to a multi-cam shoot. 


Here I want to talk about how I aim to film the outside shots for Young & Famous, and address some of the challenges that might occur and how I will deal with these and find solutions. This could be lighting for example, and how when we're filming Annie & Dean's car, the reflection on the windscreen and windows could become a problem if we are filming in bright sunlight.


This will describe how I will achieve the colour and tone decided on by the director. How I aim to make this come across through the filming aspect, and how the lighting will be key to this - which leads to the next section.


For the lighting, I will begin with some of my research into sitcom lighting and discuss some examples that use a similar lighting look to what we want. I will also explore the different ways of lighting a location and what is possible for us to do in our location.

I have some images from a test shoot which I want to include and explain the process of the two different lighting techniques used in the images. I will also explain my reasoning behind †hese lighting choices and how they add to the show.


This section will explain my reasoning behind choosing the cameras I have, the benefits they have and why they would be the best option for Young & Famous. This will mention some of the features in the camera like the filming resolutions and the ability to use two SD cards at once. 


In this section, I want to talk about the availability of lenses and discuss the fixed lens on the Panasonic DVX200 and how it will benefit us. 


Also included in my DOP statement will be an explanation behind the font and titles I have chosen for Youg & Famous, which will also include our colour palette and why I have chosen these colours together and what they represent. 


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