PRE-PRODUCTION • Colour Correction Test | Development

In one of my test shoots, I decided to try out filming in V-Log to see what this would look like and if it would be of benefit to our project. From doing research into V-Log and into the Panasonic V-Log settings, I knew that it was important to check the exposure of the shot and make sure that it was set using the histogram feature to make sure that no clipping ours. Following the guidelines which I found in my research, I took the V-Log filming and edited the colour using DaVinci Resolve to edit the colour. I found that after colour correction, the colours in the footage were much brighter and stood out more. 

I also found that it enhanced the overall look of the footage and gave more depth and the 3D look to it which separated the different things in the scene. I did, however, find that the footage came out quite grainy and this was not something I could fix in the edit which is one of the reasons why I don't think this would be the best filming technique for young and famous. I also think that the colour correction element would take a long time in the dit and to make sure that all the clips looked the same for continuity would take up with I believe could be better focused on the sound design element of the edit as we have decided to do this ourselves or on some colour correction to the Full HD Footage. 

Before and After colour edit of V-Log Footage

I also tested a colour edit on the full HD footage to see how this worked out. I found the original footage which can be seen at 0:24 in the video had a blue tint to it and due to there being no set design the location was quite bland with no bright colours to add any depth which made this challenging. However in my edit and reduce the amount of blue in the shot and gave it more of an orange which is something that the director wanted and asked for me to consider. In this shot, only natural lighting was used which I believe is one of the reasons for the blue tint, another solution for this could be using artificial lighting with a  coloured gel to give a more orange/tungsten tone to the scene. I have previously taked about using a more natural colour temperature, however, i feel this is an extreme of that and looks more like a scene from a thriller film rather than a sitcom which is traditionally quite warm with high key lighting. 

I also brightened up the colours that were in the shot like think pink jumper and added some more contrast to separated the objects in the video. These edits gave the shot a more natural look and added a warm and homely feel to the scene which is something that the director described in their vision for the show. I think with the set design and props in pace, this scene will look more aesthetically pleasing to the audience and be more visually interesting.

Before and After colour edit on Full HD Footage


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