Writing a Script
*A screenplay only tells us what we can see and hear*
Important things to consider are
- Title page - which should contain the name of the story, the writers name, draft date and contact details which are important if you are handing out your script to people.

- Scene headings - the scene heading should state whether it is to take place inside or outside using INT. or EXT. It should also contain the location, e.g. BEDROOM, HOUSE and time of day - DAY/NIGHT
- Action - The action under the scene heading should contain enough detail so that the reader can picture the location or action but concise enough that it is just a long paragraph of description, it should also be written in the present tense.
- Characters - when introducing a new character, their name should be written in capital letters so that the reader knows they are a new characters. If the character is not in the scene but can be heart or are a voice over, then (V/O) or (O/S) should be used.
- Dialogue - the dialogue should be written under the characters name, certain words of phrases can be underlines to show the actor saying the line where to put the emphasis in the sentence.

- Layout - when using final draft, it provides you with the layout that should be used. The font should be Courier and 12pt size. Every time there is a change in location or time, there should be a new heading.
found this lecture very helpful as I had never used final draft before
and didn't know about any of the rules you had to follow when writing a
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