PRE-PRODUCTION • Director of Photography | Research
I chose to be the director of photography (DOP) because I feel the over the course of the last two years my camera and lighting skills have increased greatly and I wanted to focus of those skills more in my final year. To fully immerse myself into being a DOP, it is important that I researched deeply into the role and what it would include. Being a Director of photography "includes creating the visual identity, or look of the film/ tv programme, they work with the Director, camera crew and lighting department to achieve this and they manage all aspects of filming, from ordering and overseeing equipment to reviewing footage." (Creative Skillset, 2017) My main tasks will include creating the overall look of Young & Famous and putting into play the vision of the director. I will be focussing the camera and lighting aspects of the role and make the technical decisions as well as some creative ones. Framing: for this, I will work closely with the dir...
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