Directing Research

Directing the Story - Francis Glebas 

After reading this book, it really made me think about the shots I had chosen for my drama and whether they we all necessary. There's a section in the book called 'Every shot is a close up' where it talks about how each shot is framed to show something important and points the audience towards what they should be focussing on. It explains how films and tv use visual sequences and composition to tell a story rather than having the characters explain everything in their dialogue. 

I went back to my storyboard and looked at all the shots I had planned out and it became clear to me that some of them weren't showing the audience anything, they were just for effect. I have since then been through and looked at each shot, seeing if I can change it so that it points the audience towards something in the scene that will give them an idea about the story or maybe what might happen next. For example, I have included more shots of the doorway and included the door in some of the other shots to point out that another character might walk through or enter the scene. 

Producing Great Sound for Film and Video - Jay Rose 

In this book, Rose states 'The goal of any film or video is to tell an engaging story, communicate a concept, or change someone's behaviour. Sound can be the most important part of any of those processes.'

It talks about how people recognise the sound of someone else's voice and how we can also hear background sounds when people are talking. Some of the sounds a microphone can pick up can be quite unnatural and remind an audience that what they're watching isn't real. 'Sound often has to be more realistic that picture.'  

Reading this book has really help me with the planning of my second scene which is very sound dependant, it talks about communication not only being visual and how you can tell a story though sounds. I want to use natural sound effects that will enhance my video and add to the effect I'm trying to create. 


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