Lighting Workshop 2

In this image we used the sun light as our key lighting on the subject, this made it really high key so we had to change the stops so that the image wasn't over exposed.  Over out key light we used the gauze and an ND filter to soften the light. We used a fill light on the right of the image to to light up the othe side of Sammi's face and remove any shadows cast by the key light. Over this light we put a blue gel to make it a more natural colour as it was very warm and yellow compared to the sunlight. Our camera was set to F6.7 and out shutter on 1/100. 

In this image we tried using all 3 lights to create a high key look. With our back light, we used it to create some shadows on the background and add some depth. We used a hanging coat to form some interesting shadows. Our key light was slightly to the left of our camera, this created lots of shadow on the right side of the subjects so we used our fill light to remove some of them. This created a harsh light on the right side of our faces so we used a ND filter to diffuse the light and break it up. Our key light also had an ND filter on to make it less harsh. Our camera was set to F11 and our shutter to 1/50. This was a recreation of the image on page 15 in the handbook. 


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