Drama - Script Feedback

For my script feedback, I was told that my script was very dialogue heavy and would require good actors. The first scene I chose was more dependant on the locations and the set design rather than the dialogue because I knew my second scene was quite dialogue heavy and required lots of good sound design. 

I agree that a good location will be key for the establishing shots of the location of the scene as this is the first shot in the video and will set up the scene for the rest of the video. 

I chose my second scene because I felt that it would give me a good opportunity for sound design. In the scene, the main character walks inside a building but the camera stays on the outside, following him along the different floors of the building. In order to build up the tension and suspense in the scene, sound is used rather than the audience seeing the action, they hear it. Lots of the sounds used are gun shots and people shouting. I will pre-record the shouting and layer them over the video in the editing stage and I will look for gun shot sounds online to put in the video as I can't record them myself. 


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