Suggestions that were made during my rough cut viewing:

  • Make sure speech and thought bubbles line up with the audio
    • In the editing process, it takes layers upon layers of images to build up the animation so when it comes to lining with up with audio, it's tricky to get it just right as there's too much data for it to play back. To make sure everything is lined up, I listened to the audio separately and at points of where things should start and appear, I wrote down the time code and the made this match up in After Effects. 

  • Take out added images 
    • In some sections of my animation where I felt there needed to be more on screen, I added in images and emojis that matched up with the words the poet was saying. This draw the audience away from the story and the world I had draw and created and didn't work as well as I imaged. I agree that these should be removed as the simplicity of the animations works fine without them, and if there is a word or image that I wanted to include, there will be done with the speech and thought bubbles.
    • Using the images pulls away from the conventions of a comic strip where the is rarely any added images or ones contained in speech bubbles. I have since the rough cut, kept these to a bare minimum mostly using words to describe the characters emotions or an event happening, and where an image has been used, it's done so within a thought bubble. 

I agreed withe feedback I received in my rough cut viewing and feel that the changes I have made since have greatly benefited my production. 


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