Low Battery by Prince Ea

Animation by Sabine Allaeys

  • This is a a mixture of animation styles, it includes stop motion animation which as it is all done with taking images and editing the together, it also includes things that have been added in during post production like words and images. This is another simple video and I like how the white background makes the coloured images stand out that much more. 
  • The added words on screen emphasise certain points of the poem, this is what I would like to do with the speech bubbles in my animation as I want them to highlight the important parts.
  • The images appear on screen at the same time as the words are spoken word which makes the poem easy to follow along to. 
I liked that this video was simple yet powerful and made an impact. It emphasised the message the poem was saying and made it have a strong impact. In my animation I want to make sure that my audience can understand what the poem is saying and that my images make it easy to follow along to. 


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