FICTION ADAPTATION • Adobe Illustrator

I decided to draw my animations in Adobe Illustrator as I felt this had all the tools I needed to make them look good and from my research into animation, Illustrator was the programme that was most recommend. I began with my first character, drawing out all his different body parts and separating them onto different layers so that when it came to animating them, the different body parts could be made to move separately. 

After I drew the characters in Illustrator, I imported them into Photoshop and added in textures and effects to the layers to make them look more 3D and stand out from the backgrounds I also drew. I enjoyed the drawing process of this, I felt that I could portray the characters I the exact way  wanted. I also draw my backgrounds in Illustrator which also gave me the freedom to put into film how I imaged it too look from ready the poem. 

Images //

Screenshots from Adobe Illustrator


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