Doing research in comic strips helped me to establish a clear style and one that I would stick with. I found that watching other people's animations with spoken word poetry was helpful to see what kind of styles work and how sound and sound effects can be used to enhance a production.

When I chose to create an animation I already had an idea of what I wanted it too look like in my head, I'm glad I stuck with my idea. First reading through the poem I imaged the characters as quite young, almost children as there's a line which stays they go to school. I went with this idea and made my animation look quite child like to match with the characters. 

Throughout the project, I feel that I have gained some really valuable skills in Adobe Illustrator and After Effects. I enjoyed the challenges creating an animation brought and I found that I really enjoyed creating it and the freedom it gave to me to make everything look the way I wanted. 
Drawing my own characters and backgrounds allowed me to make the adaptations my own and meant that I could dictate exactly what everything looks like. I enjoyed drawing these and creating my own world for  the characters to be in. I used the descriptions from the poem because I wanted to stick to the original story of the poem. 

Some of the editing techniques were quite hard to achieve and because I didn't have much previous knowledge in after effects, this was sometimes a struggle but through looking at online tutorials and doing tests to see what worked and what didn't I managed to achieve what I wanted.

I also struggled with the sound design because I felt that adding music in the background took away from the spoken poem and made it difficult to hear and understand the poem. Instead of using music and tested out using different sound effects to enhance the video. This worked much better than having music, adding in atmosphere to the different scenes added another sound to make the location seem realistic but didn't over power the poem and the video. 

I also found planning and time managed to be something that I struggled with as I was unsure of how long it would take to make. I started quite early on in the process however I feel that I could have spent longer on the animation in between. This meant that towards the end of the unit, I struggled to get it finished in time as it look a long time to export and render which I didn't expect. 


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