DIGITAL NEWS • Script & Structure


Once we had our idea sorted we need to come up with a structure so that we could easily write our script make sure that we got all our information in. We began writing our basic structure on a whiteboard so that we could all clearly see where everything was going to go and we could easily more the different sections around until they fit. 


From this structure, writing the script was much easier because it was clear what sections had to be written. 
  • As co-writers, Becca and I went through the different sections and wrote the commentary for the studio sections of our production. 
  • For the interview package, as a group, we came up with a range of questions to ask our interviewee and together decided on the presenters into and outro to the package. 
  • For our live package, we sat together and worked out what we wanted our reporter to say and what questions we wanted him to ask the contributors involved. This has gone through many changes as we have since then changed our idea for the live package.


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