DIGITAL NEWS • Development

As a group, we have had lots of meeting to discuss our production and have often given each other tasks to go home and complete. In our first development meeting we went through all the things that had been completed and what still needed to be done. 

  • Ida had been in contact with one of our contributors Katie Joslin and told us that she'd agreed to speak to us for our interview.

  • Becca went through some sections of the script that she'd written already and everyone went through and we all added in little jokes that we wanted to include. 

  • George Wing had also agreed to be a co-presenter and we scheduled a meeting with both of then just so we could explain to them what our show is about and what sort of things we'd be expecting from them. 

  • Josh suggested that we plan a test shoot so that we could get a feel for what we wanted our show to look like and so that we could get used to using some of the new equipment. 

  • I'd had previously done some research into what makes a viral video and shared this with the group, from this we came up with the two ideas for our viral videos that we are going to make. From the research, we could see that people tend to watch videos including cats and fail videos. We decided that josh would make the cat video as he's the only one with a cat and us girls would create the other one. We decided that we'd try and annoy Josh for a whole week and film everything. After a meeting regarding the video, we decided to throw paper balls at him.

Discussing the structure of our production.


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