DIGITAL NEWS • Logo Development

When it came to designing our logo we know what sort of thing we wanted. To get a basic idea os what it might look like, Josh being the editor and designer, collected some stock images from the internet and put them together to make what we wanted. From this, we then sent our ideas to a friend of Ida's who is also graphic designer and asked her to produce a logo for us. 

Logo Design 1

Logo Design 2

Logo Design 3

We loved the logo designed she sent us but all agreed that they didn't really fit our brand. We went back and looked at the previous logo josh had created and decided that we wanted to look quite similar. I then took the old logo and re-drew it, making a few changes along the way so that it wasn't exactly the same. 

The final logo design looks like this:

After creating the basic design, I showed the logo to the rest of the group and we all decided on the colours for each section until we were all happy. this is the final logo that appears on our website and all our social media sites. 



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