DIGITAL NEWS • Our Viral Videos

The main story of our production is looking into the world of viral videos and what it takes for a video to become viral. In order to make our video more interesting, we decided to take on the challenge of going viral ourselves and making our own videos. Our initial idea was looking into whether production vale made a difference in the a amount of views and shares a video got.

We chose to upload our videos to Facebook because it seems viral videos are often shares mostly on Facebook before going onto other platforms. We want to upload them at the same time and then compare which one does better. 

Cat Video:
  • From our research we found that audience like videos containing cats. 
  • We decided that Josh would take on the task of making this video, which we decided would have a high production value, using  DSLR, recorded sound and lots of editing.

Hurting Josh:
  • this would be our low production value video, where we would only use a phone to film. 
  • there would be no editing other then to piece together the different videos. 
  • These types of videos are quite popular and are often posted on sites like The Lad Bible where they get thousands of views. 



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