DIGITAL NEWS • Footage Review

After our filming day we went through the shots we'd filmed and as a group chose the best ones we wanted to use and which parts in the interview we though we should include. This made it easier for josh when editing because it meant that he already knew what shots to use. 

When editing through the interview, went through each of the questions we asked her and listened to her answers. We wrote down what she said and then chose the best sections and the things that most related to our topic. In our package, we only had space for 1 minute of interview to se had to be careful that we didn't try and put too much in and make our package too long. 

During this, we wrote down the questions Josh asked so that we could go back and record the close ups of Josh and noddys. The reason we had to do this was because not all of the questions we asked were the scripted ones as some of the answers she gave allowed for josh to create his own questions to follow on from what she was saying. 

Interview // Close up shot of Josh asking Katie questions


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