Ofcom is the communications regulator in the UK.

"We regulate the TV, radio and video-on-demand sectors, fixed-line telecoms, mobiles and postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate."

The watershed is at 9pm and anything shown before this time should be suitable for children to watch. ("Children" includes anyone under the age of 15). 
The things that most relevant to The Big Movie Quiz are offensive language and sexual references. The show is to be broadcast at 9pm therefore we can broadcast offensive language to an extent. There are still come words that we would not be allowed to broadcast and it cannot be excessive. 
In terms of sexual references, material that is equivalent to the BBFC's R18 rating must not be broadcast at any time. If there is to be any images and/or language of a song or sexual nature must be justified by the context, meaning that the service and time of broadcast must be considered, the other editorial content of the programme and the likely size and composition of the audience must also be considered to make sure that the content is appropriate for the show. 
The Big Movie Quiz has a target audience of 16 - 35, it isn't target at children and because it is broadcast after the watershed time of 9pm, which means we are able to keep with the tone of the show and include some elements that wouldn't be suitable if the show was targeted at a younger audience.

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