Self Portrait - Lacshan Manoskanthan (Photographer)

Lacshan Manoskanthan is a graphic designer, TV Editor and Photographer. He in employed by GOD TV which is an international broadcaster, working on a selection of on-air productons. 

I liked this his self-portrait images contain some aspect of himself. I particularly like the black and white image. The lighting has been positioned on one side of his face to make him seem enigmatic and mysterious. The the grainy texture to the image gives it a distorted look and because it is slightly out of focus, it does not reveal any details about him. This gives off the sense that he is quite a reserved person. 
This image, again doesn't show us much of Manoskanthan but we can see that it was taken at a beach in the reflection of a pair of sunglasses. I think this is a creative idea and gives the sense that we are only seeing a reflection of himself through the camera lens and not actually him. Th coloring of the image and the warm tone emphasizes the beach location. 

I like that even though these are self-portrait images, they do not reveal too much about the person. This is something I want to consider when it comes to my own self portrait film.



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