STUDIO PRODUCTION • Graphics Workshop

During our graphics workshop with Fergus, we were learning how to use Adobe Illustrator which  is something that I haven't used before. We looked at creating posters and following the Fibonacci sequence to make our posters look visually attractive. 

The Fibonacci sequence, also known as the "Golden Ratio" is a design concept that is to create visually appealing proportions in art, architecture, design and even the human body all throughout history" (3.7 Designs, 2010). 

We looked at using the golden ratio to help us in the placement of images and text on the posters we were making. Looking at some examples of images made with the golden ratio, I could see how  grouping all the text together in one section by following the lines and making the most of the background image made the poset itself look pleasing to the eye. 

We were given some images to test out this way of creating designs and I found that they looked much more aesthetically pleasing. Due to this, I chose to use this technique when creating the poster for the show. This made the advertising posters for the show look much nicer and helped me when it came to laying out all the information that needed to be included on the poster. 


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