Throughout my time at Trickbox, I spent many hours working in the sound department. Sound is something that I hadn't considered as a job before but I was keen to learn more. I work with the sound operator JoJo, who was a huge help in explaining the process to me. We started right from the beginning and he allowed me to help him complete the set up for the production, from the radio mics to the sound desk.
When we started, he begin explaining to me how to set up the radio mics, resetting the frequencies to not only make sure that the transmitter and receiver are connected but to also make sure that we weren't using a frequencies that was being used for something else, for example there were other buildings in the area that were working off specific frequeinces so we had to be careful not to mix them up.
I then went back into the sound room and we went through the different setting that needed to be put into the sound desk. We looked at adding a high pass filter and low pass filter to the different mics once the guests had arrived and were talking to each other because then we could see what each there them spoke like and whether we needed to add more bass into to some of their voices to make them more interesting and give them more of a range of sounds or whether we needed to remove some of the higher frequents because they whistled when the spoke to were quite high in pitch.
Images //
Sound Room and The Tower Bridge Studios, taken by me
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