During some of the live shows we filmed, I spent time helping in the gallery. This gave me the opportunity to talk to the director about her role and what it's like to be a director/vision mixer and to work on live productions. 

Rehearsals and 1hr 15mins before live

We were filming a 1+4 interview, during rehearsals I helped the director with labelling which guest was going to sit there so there was equal balance, depending on how many men and women were going to be there and using the information the company had given us about the guests and putting them in an order that meant the ones that were most talkative were placed near the presenter. I then had to write down the order and go around given everything the information, specifically the camera operators and the sound technician who need to know the line up so sound board can be labelled and we know which mic is on which guest and the cameras know who is who and where they're sitting. 

Live Show - Marketforce Webinar
In the gallery, there was the Director/Vision Mixer, the Vision Control and the person controlling the autocue who sat next to the director. During the show the autocue controller had to change some of the lines during the show depending on how the conversation flowed throughout and whether there were some sections that needed to be taken out because there wasn't enough time to include them. 

I found sitting in the gallery really interesting as it was a much different environment to the gallery during our studio production. Everyone knew exactly what they were doing and it was surprisingly calm. I found that listening to the commands the director was giving out to the cameras was really interesting because she used some terms that I wasn't familiar with. She would tell the cameras which guest she wanted on screen and sometimes the cameras would take inititave and move to the guest that was just about to speak or one that had good reactions to a question that was asked. 


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