STUDIO PRODUCTION • Graphics Research

When I was looking into graphics I found an interesting article about different logos and how some of them have hidden meanings inside them. Until I looked through the website and the images, there were some well known logos that i'd seen many times before but hadn't recognised the hidden images and meanings within them. For example:

Within the FedEx logo, between the letters E and X, and arrow is created due to the font used which was does because they are a company that delivers parcels. 

The amazon logo has an arrow pointing from A to Z, showing their customers that they "sell everything from a to z". 

The logo for formula 1 has the number one within the logo. The empty space in the middle creates the outline of the number one. 

Although this isn't something that I feel I can incorporate into our logo, I still found it really interesting and made me want to look further into graphics and logo designs. 

Images and Information //


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