Ellen and I decided that because the two VT editors were quite busy with editing the VTs, we would edit the trailer and the opening title sequence together. We started with the opening titles, working through our shot list and script to put the clips in the order we wanted.

There were some clips where we had to do some colour correcting and changing the brightness and contrast as some shots were slightly over exposed but overall the clips that we had to work with were all really good. There was one shot where one of the chairs in the shot were very over exposed, because the chair was white as well so it reflected lots of the light. In order to help fix this, I found another shot of the same scene where we had changed the lighting, however the reason we didn't use this shot was because it too dark to see the actors. I chose to try and merge the two shots together; to do this I took the one chair from the darker video and layered it over the operas posed chair, I then played around with the settings to make the colours match and the final shot looked much better. When watching the video, it looked much better and we were able to use the shot. We showed the video to different people and no one noticed the edited that was made which was good. 

After we had put together the video, I then asked Sammi to cut together some music to go with the video. Together we chose the music to go at the beginning which was a cinema type of music to make out as if the presenter and Norman were watching a dramatic movie. I then asked Sammi to cut a specific length of the time music to match with the video, however after putting the music to the video,  I changed my mind and wanted the music to start earlier. I then asked Sammi to me a new length of music, eventually we ended up with 5 different lengths of music however we finally decided on one piece that we thought fit the best. 

When editing the trailer, again Ellen and I went through our script and shot list and put together what we wanted. We added the music wer had already chosen and then put in the voice over that we recorded with the presenter George. Before we posted the video on our social media pages, we showed the video to Producer Josh who gave us some feedback and permission to post the trailer along with the poster to the social media sites. 


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