Editing With Tim Bentham • Workshops

On Wednesday, we had an editing workshop with Tim Bentham.  He is an editor who has worked on many programmes for all the UK's major channels and some internationally. 

Sync Assembly:

We first had to make a sync assembly where we cut together the different interview clips that we were going to use. In the interview, there were lots of parts that weren't needed so we had to cut down the interviews, joining together different sections so that it made sense. These sections were highlight for us on the transcript of the interview. 


Having the time coded transcript was really helpful because it made it really easy to see exactly what was said in the interview, making the editing process simple in terms of picking out the information we wanted from the transcript. The time codes helped when looking for the specific parts as it was easy to search for the different sections in premiere. 

Cutaways and Jump Cuts:

After cutting the interview down and getting the sound to match up, there were lots of jump cuts where it had been cut. To cover these up we had to use the GV's and location shots. When editing them into the video, we made sure to use ones that matched with what the the guy was saying. for example, when he was talking about replacing the windows in the cathedral, we used establishing shots of Canterbury Cathedral and then close ups of the windows themselves. 


If I were to edit this video again, I would want to try and make the sound match up better as I think it's quite obvious where it has been cut together. I also would have liked to include more of the other videos clips to make the interview more visual. 


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