Filming - Day 2 • Production


On our second day of filming we knew exactly what shots we wanted and what interviews we were going to re-film. We had previously planned out all the locations so we knew exactly where we wanted them to be. We chose to only film with one camera this time as filming with two made things quite complicated for us. This also helped us in the post-production stage as there would be less colour correcting for us to do and the two different cameras gave us very different coloured shots. 


We also chose to use two clip mics, one for the presenter and one for John, the farmer we were interviewing so that their sound levels matched as we found putting together the sound from the clip mic and the same from the boom was very different. 


When we were filming our interviews the second time, we asked our interviewee what we wanted him to say in his answer. Because we'd already filmed the interview we knew what his answers were from before and we had him just give us the information we had picked out from our transcripts. That way, everything he said we knew was related to the question and it made the interview go much quicker than last time. 


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