Filming on Location in Faversham • Workshops


  • Filming in the market was more difficult than filming down at the creek because we had to be more aware of the public and our surroundings. We made sure to get lots of close up shots of people in the market, avoiding faces so that we could use the footage without them all having to sign a consent form. We did have to ask a few people to sign a consent form, for example of a guitar player who was playing in the market place and a hotel owner who allowed us to interview him about the hotel.
  • At the Creek, there were a few ducks and geese on the water. We decided to get some shots of them as practice for when filming the wildlife for our documentaries. We were also able to get lots of good landscape shots there and we tried lots of different shots such as shooting through trees and pulling the focus between the tree and the water. 
  • Editing the video with having decided on a narrative was quite hard but by putting all the market clips together, the brewery shots together and the Creek in different sections, we made this work and our narrative became our journey around Faversham.
  • The feedback we received from our editing was that some of our shots were slightly out of focus and that it was obvious that some were filmed handheld which brought down the production values of the video. We also had included some music which deterred from the pictures and made it difficult to hear our interview with a hotel owner. 

Overall I enjoyed the day filming and I learnt lots about filming with the public and getting actuality footage. 


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