Filming - Day 1 • Production


  • To film we used a Sony EX, we knew that we wanted to use a clip mic and a boom so this made it easy for us to connect them to compared to if we used a Canon 7D. 
  • We decided that I would film our interviews as I was the one who filmed the interviews in our sequencing workshop. We all filmed the rest of the documentary such as the GV's, wildlife and the actuality.  


  • From our previous location recce, we knew where we wanted to film the different parts of the documentary and were we wanted the interviews to take place. We chose to split our interview into different sections so that we could have them moving around the farm and going on a journey. 
  • Our first location where we filmed our introduction was in front of the farm shop, this was a location we had to be careful of because of cars coming in and the public walking in and out of the shop. 
  • We filmed our interviews in different fields, where we were able to gets lot of actuality shots of people working on the farm. In one of our interviews there was the tractor working in the background which gave us lots of opportunities to include actuality shots and GV's. 

  • For sound, we used a clip mic on our presenter and a boom to capture atmosphere and the sound from our interviews. 
  • When we listened to the sound after filming we realised that we would need go back and do our interviews again because it was quite hard to hear what John, the farmer was saying.
  • There were some good sections of the interviews that we did use in the end but because we used two different cameras on our shoot, if was difficult for Sammi to get in close with the boom to capture good sound. 


  • We created a schedule and planed which shots we would film first to make the most of the time we had with our presenter and John, the farmer. 
  • We stuck to this as much as possible because we knew that we only had a limited time to film our interview shots and actuality shots.

  • When we filmed in the morning, it was quite sunny which meant that a few of our shots were over exposed. 
  • However, later in the day it became more cloudy meaning the light was more diffused and it was much easier to see on the camera and the shots weren't over exposed.


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