I chose to be the director of photography (DOP) because I feel the over the course of the last two years my camera and lighting skills have increased greatly and I wanted to focus of those skills more in my final year. To fully immerse myself into being a DOP, it is important that I researched deeply into the role and what it would include. Being a Director of photography "includes creating the visual identity, or look of the film/ tv programme, they work with the Director, camera crew and lighting department to achieve this and they manage all aspects of filming, from ordering and overseeing equipment to reviewing footage." (Creative Skillset, 2017) My main tasks will include creating the overall look of Young & Famous and putting into play the vision of the director. I will be focussing the camera and lighting aspects of the role and make the technical decisions as well as some creative ones. Framing: for this, I will work closely with the dir...
*A screenplay only tells us what we can see and hear* Important things to consider are Title page - which should contain the name of the story, the writers name, draft date and contact details which are important if you are handing out your script to people. Scene headings - the scene heading should state whether it is to take place inside or outside using INT. or EXT. It should also contain the location, e.g. BEDROOM, HOUSE and time of day - DAY/NIGHT Action - The action under the scene heading should contain enough detail so that the reader can picture the location or action but concise enough that it is just a long paragraph of description, it should also be written in the present tense. Characters - when introducing a new character, their name should be written in capital letters so that the reader knows they are a new characters. If the character is not in the scene but can be heart or are a voice over, then (V/O) or (O/S) should be...
Scott and Bailey is a British crime drama focusing on the lives of two female detectives. DC Rachel Bailey and DC Janet Scott are not only work colleagues but close friends, a main part of the story is their relationship and the problems they have. In each episode, there are 3 to 4 different story lines, the main one being based in the police station, centred on a crime and the others about the personal lives of the main characters. For my script, I would like to do something similar, I want to have the main story line revolve around a major case they have given, and then the personal lives of my two main characters, Shane and Annie. The characters have many flaws that are pointed out in multiple episodes. For my character Shane, I want his flaws to be quite relatable. Through his dialogue and mannerisms, I want to reveal to the audience that he is wary of new people and finds it hard to trust them and that he is also emotionally immature and afraid of com...
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