Memento (2000) Christopher Nolan

Memento is a psychological thriller by Christopher Nolan released in 2000. It film follows a fairly simple story of Leonard who it trying to find the killer of his wife but uses a complex filming style to tell it.  All the scenes in black and white go forward in time whereas everything in color is going backwards. Towards the end of film the colours fade into full and this is where they have reached the same point in the story. 

Memento can be quite confusing and I had to watch the film a few times before I fully understood it. I also watched it in chronological order which helped me to understand what was going on - this also shows how simple the story is. Johnathan Nolan wrote the screenplay for the film from his own perspective and Christopher Nolan adapted it to his own style.

After reading the script for memento, I found it very easy to picture the scenes in my head and when the scenes changed. I think if I read the script before watching the film, I would've found it very hard to understand the story line. The dialogue from the script works well and sounds like a realistic conversation between two people. I would like my script to be similar in this respect.


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