PRODUCTION • Green Screen Test | Development

In order to make sure that our idea of using a green screen in Annie & Dean's television would work, I completed a test to make sure that this was possible and the different ways we could possibly achieve what we wanted. 

Some of the benefits of using the actual television as a green screen rather than using material or paper include:
  • There are no issues with the material being wrinkled or overlapping and creating shadows.
  • The television has it's own back lighting therefore there is no need to light the television separately which allows us more time to spend lighting our actor and the room. 
    • This reduces set up time
    • Makes more room in the location and there is less need for extra lights
I used my laptop to test this to see how this would work through a camera and if it would be possible to put a video within therein section. This worked well despite the poor lighting. For our actual shoot, the room will be well lit and we won't be as close to the screen therefore the edges won't be well seen therefore it won't be as obvious that we've used a green screen. We will also be using this to Marie's television as we have a new layout for that scene.

To complete this test I used my laptop and opened up the green screen that we would be using. Some aspects that I will need to remember is that the brightness to be turned up so that the green colour and very clear and stands out within the location as it is possible there might be some green in the actual location. 

I then filming a short clip and edited the footage in premiere to give me a rough idea of if the footage would actually be useable. Despite the low lighting in my location - we will be filming in daylight and with extra artificial lighting so this will not be an issue - the test proved successful and highlighted some things that I will need to remember when setting up. These include:

  • If our camera is not static and moves at any point during the shot then the green screen will need tracking points so that during the edit I can easily follow the screen.
  • Check if these is any other green on location as this could be an issue during the edit as when the green colour is removed, it could also remove any other green in the shot - this can we worked around however.


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