DIGITAL NEWS • Katie Joslin

For our main news story, we wanted to interview someone who might be able to give us some insight into the world of YouTube and what it takes to be a successful YouTuber. One of the new first years just so happens to be a YouTuber with quite a following.

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After watching her summer project, we decided that she would be great to interview and would have lots of interesting things she could tell us. Ida spoke to Katie and explained the basis of our project and what we were trying to achieve, asking Katie if she would be willing to participate in our project. She said that she would like to take part so we now need to set up a meeting, which we have planned for this Friday (30/09/16) so that we can go through the types of questions we will be asking her and for us to find out what answers she might give us to that we can prepare for the interview. 


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