DIGITAL NEWS • Online News Research

Online news is becoming increasing popular as it is more accessible now than ever before. With the use of smart phones and tablets, it is really easy for audiences to access the news whenever they want online rather than having to wait for it to be broadcast on TV or buy a newspaper. This changing the way we produce news and the format in which it is produced.

"Audiences increasingly want news on any device, in any format, and at any time of day."

This surge of online news has caused a higher competition for traditional forms of news like newspapers as they now have to try and keep up with the demands of modern audiences who want their news to be available when they want and where. 

It is clear that a large amount of us read the news in some digital form. The competition is ever increasing and companies must try to not only keep up with the latest trends but also find new and innovative way to present their news. 

  • In my research into our target audience, I think we have lots of opportunity to make something the students and the younger audience will enjoy. As long was we use al the research we've found as a group and look at what has already been down and how we can improve on that, our news channel could be quite successful if it was real. 

The number of younger people accessing online news is much higher than older people, where as young people watch TV news less. This could be due to the format difference in that online, they can choose what news they read and can access it when ever they want. 

  • This is something that we should think about in our production as it's clear lots of young people go online for their news. In designing our channel, we should consider this and try to make ours something the will stand out amongst the other student news channels already available.
  • For our website, we want to make sure that it is mobile friendly so that if someone was to access it from a phone or tablet it would be just as easy for then to find our news articles. 

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