In pitching our idea, we discussed the brand we had come up with and went through all the different sections we wanted to include. We talked about the specific stories we had found and which ones would work best. 

  • Starting off with a brand was good because it meant we could easily choose stories that fit in with it, rather than creating a brand around one specific story. 
  • Having different categories is good because then we're not just subjected to one type on news, we have the option to include a wide variety of things students will be interested in.
  • We need to choose one main story to go with our video, and any others that find and still want to include can we written up as articles on our website. 
  • Investigate local events such as film festivals that we could advertise and encourage students to go to. 
  • Consider trying to create our own viral video and trying to go viral in oder to try and understand the process of being viral and what it means to be "internet famous"

Overall, we have some really goo feedback and it left us with some more good ideas to consider. We are confident with our idea and are looking forward to developing our Digital News channel further. 



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