Evaluation - The Meeting

Having completed my project, I feel that my skills have developed a great deal. At the start of the project, I found the task of writing a script quite a daunting idea and I struggled with my story. I found that by talking to other students and asking for their opinions I became more confident in my idea. Writing my script went well and I found that once I got into my story, I was able to write the rest quite easily. The script feedback from Simon and Steve Coombes was extremely helpful in the development stages of my script and I felt that this improved my story massively. I had never written a script before this project so I have learnt many things from just this section of the unit. I now know how to use Final Draft and what a script consists of.

In our camera and editing workshops, I learnt how to use the cameras and how to use Adobe Premiere Pro. Our camera workshops were very helpful for me because I hadn't used a camera like them before and the practice we got out of them was helpful when planning our productions because we already had some idea about how to construct different shots. Although I had previously used Premiere, the editing workshops provided me with some useful shortcuts and tips on editing that I didn't know. These came in handy when editing my production and made the process quicker and easier. I think that with time and more practice, I will be able to use the cameras more efficiently and be able to make better use of the  settings available. 

I didn't like being a director and found it difficult to tell everyone what to do. The experience was good in that I now know what aspect of a production I like most and I much prefer wither working the camera or the editing side of it.  After having a few problems with casting, I was lucky enough to find 2 experienced actors who wanted to help out with my project, I very much enjoyed working with professional actors on my production and found their prior knowledge useful.

I felt that the editing process for my video went well, however I did have a slight problem with my audio in that it was quite difficult to hear the characters talking. I tried to fix this by editing them in Adobe Auditions, which worked well and added an echo to the clips which added to the atmosphere of my trailer. 

Keeping up to date with my blog was a good way for me to see what I had and hadn't done. It helped me keep all my research together and my production. Overall, I am happy with my final project. If I could do it again, I would have liked to re-film and use some more interesting shots. I have enjoyed this project and it has made me want to get started on the next unit.


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