Storyboard - The Meeting

I have drawn out a storyboard for my production, mentioning specific shots that I am planning to film.I found that story boarding my project has helped to work out what types of shots I want to use and which ones would work best with the dialogue and story line. For example, I plan to film some over the shoulder shots and close ups of the characters faces when the say and important line of dialogue in the script. 


I have also created a shot list to help me when filming, I can the cross them off as I go, making sure I haven't missed anything out. I chose to film many different types of shots as when I come to editing my project, I want to be able to have a wide range of clips to choose from. This will also help me in the editing stage if I have a shot that isn't quite right, I know I will have other options and will be able to replace it with a shot from a different angle/position. 



  1. hi nisserin - there is some really good work going into your journal. a clear picture of your learning and development and of research. make sure you've got some research into specific screenwriters (at least two) and a drama series. making the link and reference to how it affects your work too.
    really good prep in evidence. well done!


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