Filming today went well and I managed to get done everything that I planned. The first thing we did was to set up the camera, making sure to check the exposure, white balance, focus and sound. Focusing my subjects was easy enough and I used the peaking setting on the camera just to make sure. The expose and white balance was fine and it was an overcast day so there were no harsh shadows and the as faces weren't over-exposed - I was able to check this with the Zebra setting. 

I chose to use the clip mic and the boom to record the sound. I had no problems using the boom but I couldn't get the clip mic to work. After changing some of the settings we managed to get it working, this was helpful because it was very windy and the sound from the microphone on the boom wasn't very good; however I am still going to use some of the sound recorded from the boom as background noise. 

The two minutes I was filming was quite dialogue heavy so when I was filming, I wanted to make sure that my shots were close enough to be able to see their facial features and expressions as they spoke. This made it harder for me to be able to use lots of different types of shots as I needed their faces to be seen. 

I am now in the stages of editing my video and trying to put together the shots. I am looking forward to using premiere pro to edit and to try all the techniques learnt in our editing workshops.  


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