At the beginning of this unit, I was happy with the decisions we had made in choosing to work in a group as I feel our skills we best combined to make one product. Once we had decided on our idea as a group, this was when my role could really begin as I could start planning some of the different techniques that I could incorporate and styles of lighting. I could also begin my research into sitcom filming styles and I work out what would be a possibility for us in terms of filming and setups. There have been some challenges as well as things that went well with all different aspects of the project. 

What went well?


Over the course of pre-production, it has been really important to stay organised as I had multiple tasks to complete. 
  • As a group we decided that it was important we set ourselves some deadlines for the pre-production book as we knew that we would have to leave time for the book to be printed and sent to us, therefore, it was important we allowed time for this and also time for Becca and Laura to read the book and check for any mistakes. I feel as though I stuck to these deadlines well as I had all my documents completed by the date we had initially suggested and along with doing my own documents I was also putting in the others documents as well which was sometimes quite challenging in working out the best way to lay things out. 
  • I think as a group we worked well together and that we communicated well with updates on completed work and any issues that had so we were able to fix these problems quickly. 
  • I felt that I organised my test shoots days well in that I communicated with the team about what days we were doing the test shoots and what I would actually be doing so they had an idea. I believe these all went smoothly and that I came away from them with lots of information and knowledge about the things I was testing. 

Working in a group:
  • I have found that over the course of my university experience, I much prefer working in a group rather than individually. This is due to the fact that I can focus more on my role, rather than spread myself across multiple different roles. I also find that I enjoy working with others as it allows everyone in the group to combine ideas and think of different aspects that I may not have considered.
  • Becca and I have worked together previously on many occasions so know that we would work well together, and from seeing all of Laura's previous work, I was excited to work with her, not only because had yet to collaborate on a project but because I felt that as a group of 3, we could incorporate all our skillsets and make this work to our advantage which I believe we did. I find writing scripts to be a task that I don't enjoy but I also feel as though it is not one of my skills, however, both Becca and Laura enjoy script writing, therefore, the co-wrote the script.

Title Sequence:
  • Taking into consideration the final product, I am happy with how the title sequence has turned out. Although I still think there are some changes I could make to improve it such as making Dean's character more animated and possibly adding some more details into the backgrounds, I think the overall video turned out really well and how I imagined. 
  • I really like the characters for Annie and Dean in the title sequence, I think that they accurately represent our characters and put across the idea we were going for in that they want to be famous but in reality, they are an ordinary couple.


Taking Direction:
  • As the DOP, part of my role is working closely with the Director and working to acheive their vision. This was something I found I struggled with as I am used to directing myself rather than following what someone else wants. At the bgeinning of the prject, I think my understanding of the role was maybe a bit confused as I intially though that I would have no imput into the ideas and the actaul content of the show, however as we went through the process of coming up with ideas and working on storylines, I was involved in each of these aspects and felt much better about my role. 

Test Shoot Videos:

  • At the beginning I found my test shoot videos to be a challenge in the sense that after a tutorial, it was pointed out to me that the videos were'nt actually showing anything which  completely agreed with. After that I went away and changed the way I was working to include comparisions to point of differences and makes it clear as to why I had made some of the decisions I had done.

Things I have learnt:

One of the main things I have learnt is not it takes time to get to the end point of a product and that it cannot be done in one day, especially when you are working in a group as they will have feedback and options which have to be considered as well as it is different to working on your own. I have also learnt that it can take many tries to get something right but this is a big learning process and I've found over the course of this project that there are many things that I have learnt from having to do something more than once. This was experience through the bookmaking process in that everytime I would enter a new document I would find a new tool to help with the process and the same in After Effects when editing the title sequence,  I would look for and do research into ways that could help me in the animation process.

I have also taken away from this project that receiving feedback is really helpful and was really important for the development of the project. I do wish that I had asked for more feedback on some of the specific things that I was doing and that during tutorials, I asked more questions for my work to be looked over and I think this would have allowed me to develop my work even further. This is definitely something that I will take away from this project and hopefully implement in the next stage. 

Overall, I'm pleased with the work that I am submitting and that our pre-production book was produced to a high standard. I also feel as though my test shoot videos and that title sequence we of good quality despite me feeling as though I could have done more. I very much like our story and characters and am excited about the shoot days and seeing all the work we have complete on paper come to life. I think the key to the next part of the project becoming a success will be planning everything well and sticking to a schedule so that everything is completed and nothing is forgotten or done last minute.


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