PRE-PRODUCTION • Pre-Production Book | Development

My Role in the creation of our Pre-Production book is the layout and design. This included creating page titles, the front and back cover and layout out the text and images. For the book, we split up the documents each of us were going to write which were all agreed in our learning agreement.


When setting up the page margins, I decided that in order to avoid any words or images being lost in the centre crease of the book, I would increase the inner margins  to 20mm and move the outer margins to 10mm so that everything was closer to the edge. Due to the fact that our book is quite a large, I felt that 20mm would be a wide enough gap for all the words to be on the page. 


For the page titles, I kept with our Young & Famous font, using this ad heading for the different sections in the book. I also alternated the fill colour for these titles from our colour palette. These were created in photoshop and then placed into the book. 


I used the rules to aid in the design of the pages. One the title was instered onto the page. I them used the rules to ine the outside edge of the titles, this gave me the section for which i would then instert the text boxes and oictures, makinf sure they're didn't go outside these lines. This makes the page look nicely aligned and tidy. In the image below shows the rules and how I used them, the ruler is the bright teal line that goes down the entirety of the page. 

Font / Sizing

For normal text and the bulk of our book I used this font because there letters are nicely spaced making the text easy to read, with it being oblique screws the letters slighty, giving it an almost Italic look although not as extreme. I choose 12pt for the size because this alloowed us to get quite a lot of text on once page whilst also being easy to read on paper. To make my decision, I printed out a selection of fonts in different sizes to see how they would look on paper and from that made my decision.

Font: Avenir Book Oblique

Size: 12pt

Leading: 14.4pt (16pt for large amounts of test to make them easier to read)

Sub Headings:

To make the sub headings slightly different stand out more, I put them in Avenir Black Oblique which gives them a bold look, bring them forward from the bulk text and making it easily noticable.

Font: Avenir Black Oblique

Size: 12pt

Tracking: 100

Front and Back Cover

I also designed the front and back pages of the book. These consisted on the title of the showm our names and roles and then the production company on the back. We decided to keep this quite simple whilst still using out branding style. I used our font for the tite and our names/roles which I coloured using the different colours from our colour palette. On the back we went with our productionc omapny logo at the bottom as well as our animanted characters for Annie and Dean in the middle of the back. 

Front Cover

Back Cover


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