Part of mine and Ellen's role was creating the social media sites for The Big Movie Quiz. We decided to start with the sites Facebook and Twitter as these are the ones most used to promote tv shows and films. From doing some research into which are the best sites to used, I found that for television shows, twitter is mostly used and lost of shows no include a hashtag that their audience can use when talking about the show, this encourages people to join the discussion as an episodes is broadcast and gets people involved.
When it comes to the types of content we post, we have decided that want might interest our audience the most is the backstage aspect of the show. Taking this into account, we want to keep them updated with the pre-production stage of the show as much as the actual production, posting images of the crew on shoots and in workshops.
To gain our audience we chose to make our pages and then share them with people we know, asking other members of the crew to also share the pages. We also shared the pages in our university groups and on other pages that contain people that fit our target audience.
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