Drama - Filming

Filming my drama went well despite having some casting issues. I only had one of my actors turn up which made things quite difficult as I needed both of them for things like two shots. When we realised the other actor was not going to turn up, I had to go through my storyboard and cut out some the shots I had planned to film as they weren't going to be possible. I filmed all the shots I could of the character that I had and did my close ups and establishing shots of the location. 

In terms of what we managed to film on the day, everything went really well. We started the day by setting up the location and dressing the set. We then set up the lighting kit and got a stand in to sit where the actor would be so we could make sure that the lights were in the right place and looked the way I wanted them to. I had Becca B as my Director of Photography and Troy as my sound assistant. 

I then had to reschedule my shoot and to be able to get both actors in to be able to shoot the rest of the scene. I planned to do it the week after but I had difficulty in finding actor that would be able to take on the role. Eventually I found another actor and I had planned on having both the actors come in to re-film but I ended up with again only having one actor, lucky it was the one that I needed the most so again I had to quickly change the shots I had planned on filming.

Other than the issues I had with actors, the filming aspect of the project went well and I enjoyed being a director for this project. 


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