We decided on including the pages "About Us" which would including a description of the show and an explanation of some of the different rounds as well as some information about the producer and how we came about the idea for the show. The "Blog" page includes a range of different blog posts for out audience to read. These are movie related and range from "Celebrity Lookalikes" to Behind the Scenes of different popular movies. We also included a "Gallery" page where we uploaded lots of different behind the scenes images, including ones from workshops right at the start of the project to ones taken during rehearsals and from the day of the show.
We then decided to include a "Contact Page" so that anyone who had any questions could send them to use and we could answer them and we also included a tab named "Tickets" which when clicked on was a direct link to the Eventbrite page where the audience could book their tickets to the show.
We linked the web link to our Facebook and twitter pages and wrote posts about the website get people going over there to get more information about the show. We also uploaded the trailer to the website which was placed on the homepage so that anyone who went to the site would see the trailer first.
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